Improve Your Posture, Movements and Performance
Free Yourself from discomfort and Pain
Learn the Alexander Technique!

Videos and Online Courses with Pete Robinson mSTAT

Online Course Released!

I'm proud to announce the release of my new course:

A Practical Introduction to the Alexander Technique!

If you are interested in a structured, practical, light-hearted way of learning the Alexander Technique to improve your posture, movements, reduce discomfort and pain then click below to have a look!

Watch My Latest Youtube Video!

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Welcome to Movement & Posture!

I’m dedicated to providing the best online material to help you learn the Alexander Technique!  

On this site you will find links to my free Youtube videos, blog posts and my Online course.

If you would like to sign up to my newsletter and access the free downloads section of the website, please click the button below.

Recent Course Reviews...

Life changing! - Dinorah Hall
β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 5/5
Very clear lesson at just the right pace for me! - Barbara Williams
β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 5/5
This is a well organized intro course - Shanley O'Shea
β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 5/5
I'm getting excited about changing years of bad habits! - Sylvia Helderle
β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜… 5/5

Recent Blog Posts

Click HERE to see all posts



One of the most common questions I get asked as an Alexander Technique teacher is β€œhow can I make working at a desk more comfortable?”. I’ve spent some time choosing what I think are my 3 best Alexander Technique tips to allow you to work at a desk without discomfort and pain and I’m really happy to be able to share those with you now


Kind Words from Past and Current Students!

About Pete

Pete Head
Pete qualified as an Alexander Technique Teacher in 2007 and has taught privately, given workshops and masterclasses and currently is on the staff at the Royal Northern College of Music. Pete has a background in music and continues to have a career as a performer and music educator.  He is also a qualified lecturer and has taught music and Alexander Technique in colleges and universities. Pete was drawn to the Alexander Technique to help with health problems that he was experiencing in his work as a musician and in his day to day life.  He found the technique so useful that he decide to train to become a teacher.  He completed a 3 year full-time training course in Manchester, UK run by Malcolm Williamson, one of the most experienced Alexander Teachers in the UK. Pete has always had an interest in online learning and has a passion for spreading the benefits that the Alexander Technique brings to people to a wider audience. To book an in-person lesson (Stockport, UK) or online lesson (Worldwide) with Pete, please visit his teaching site by clicking HERE

Youtube Channel

I have a growing library of Alexander Technique videos on my Youtube Channel to help people learn and apply the Alexander Technique.

They cover a wide range of topics and are useful whether you are new to the Alexander Technique or have years of experience.

The comments section on my Youtube Videos are also a great way to get in touch, suggest topics for future videos or ask questions.  I always try to respond promptly and hopefully with a useful reply!

Most Popular Video on My Channel

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